Eat, Love, Heal 

Re-define Your Relationship with Food on Your Own Terms

Are you tired of the relentless diet cycle that never seems to lead to lasting change? Do you find yourself back at square one after every new attempt, frustrated by the lack of permanent results?

The solution isn’t another diet or more willpower. The real change happens when you uncover the reasons behind your emotional eating—why you reach for comfort food when stress, loneliness, or sadness take hold.

Introducing the BEFREE Method. This isn't a quick fix or another diet plan; it's a life changing journey into the core of of your relationship with food—and more importantly, with yourself.

The Foundation of BEFREE: Science Meets Soul

Why embrace BEFREE? Because it's grounded in robust science and enriched with soulful insights. This method seamlessly integrates:

Emotional Eating Psychology:

Unpack the emotional triggers that lead to your eating habits.

Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR):

Resolve past emotional disturbances that influence your eating behaviors today.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP):

Reprogram your thought patterns to support healthy, sustainable eating habits.

Mindfulness Practices:

Stay present and mindful, transforming how you interact with food daily.

BEFREE is about embarking on a quest for self-love and acceptance, equipped with tools that truly understand and transform the depths of your eating habits.

Ready to start this life-changing journey and redefine your relationship with food at your own pace? Click below and say yes to transformation!

Why Choose Eat, Love, Heal?

A landmark study from Tufts-New England Medical Center revealed in the Journal of the American Medical Association that the real key to weight loss success isn’t just the diet—it’s your ability to stick to it. In their year-long study, every diet worked... for those who stuck to them. Yet, fewer than 25% managed to follow through for a year.


That’s what we tackle in Eat, Love, Heal.

Your Journey Awaits:

Struggling with sticking to diets? Feeling trapped in a cycle of emotional eating and not sure why? I’ve been there. After 15 years of research and real-world application, I’ve crafted a unique method designed to dive deep into the root causes of emotional eating—beyond just the symptoms. 

The BEFREE method doesn’t just skim the surface; it redefines your entire approach to food and healing, turning your diet battles into stories of empowerment and success.

Why BEFREE Stands Apart

BEFREE goes beyond the superficial. It's a deep dive into the 'why' behind your food choices, facilitated by a blend of scientific and holistic techniques. This method isn't just a path to a healthier diet; it's a journey to self-discovery, acceptance, and love. 

It's backed by science, from the psychology of emotional eating to the healing power of Holographic Memory Resolution® (HMR), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and mindfulness practices.

This method is designed to guide you through the layers of emotional eating, addressing not just the symptoms but the root causes that tether you to these patterns.

A Promise of Real Change:

What sets the BEFREE method apart is its commitment to delivering tangible results. 

Dive into practical exercises and activities designed to help you apply what you learn to your daily life, ensuring that these new habits become a natural part of your routine.
Learn and master techniques to navigate emotional challenges without turning to food, giving you the power to rewrite your relationship with eating.
Reprogram your approach to cravings, transforming how you respond to them.
Build lasting emotional resilience and self-compassion that extend far beyond your eating habits, positively affecting every area of your life.

The Intro:

Dive into a transformative 6-week journey with the BEFREE Method, meticulously designed to guide you from the grips of emotional eating to a realm of equilibrium, wellness, and deep-seated self-appreciation. 

Introducing "Eat, Love,Heal"


B - Begin with Awareness 

$997 Value

● Unlock Mindful Eating: Ever caught yourself mindlessly snacking without hunger? We start by tuning into our bodies, truly experiencing food, and reclaiming control.

● Embrace Your Emotions: Learn the art of observing without judgment. Your feelings aren't the enemy—they're signposts, guiding us toward deeper healing. The S.A.F.E. Protocol will allow you to easily navigate emotional moments without defaulting to food. 

● The HMR Revelation: Dive into Holographic Memory Resolution, your secret weapon against the emotional roots of eating patterns. 

E - Embrace Your Emotions 

$997 Value

 Face Your Triggers: Those comfort foods you can't resist? They're tied to emotions. We'll gently uncover these connections and start healing with the H.E.A.R.T. Protocol.  

● Self-Love in Action: Cultivate a nurturing inner voice. It's not just about food—it's about how you treat yourself at every moment.

● Mindfulness Made Simple: Real, practical strategies to stay present and make empowered choices, bite by bite.

F - Free Your Mind

$997 Value

● Your Food Story, Reimagined: We've all got a story about food. Together, we'll rewrite yours into one of balance and freedom. 

● Deep Healing with HMR: Peel back the layers of past traumas influencing your eating today. It's profound, it's powerful, and it's your path forward.

● Envision Your Future: What does a healthy relationship with food look like for you? Let's dream it up—and make it real.

R- Reclaim Your Power 

$997 Value

● Crafting New Habits: Say goodbye to old patterns. We're building new, life-affirming habits that stick. 

● HMR at Work: Embed your new healthy habits deep into your subconscious, making them second nature.  

● Celebrate Every Victory: Big or small, every step forward is a cause for celebration. Let's honor your journey.

E - Energize Your Transformation

$997 Value

● Healing Body Image: It's time to see yourself in a new light. Your body is not the enemy—it's your partner in this journey.

● Positive Self-Talk: Transform the way you talk to and about yourself. Your words have power. Let's use them for healing.

● Self-Care Redefined: Discover the transformative power of genuine self-care. It's about so much more than bubble baths.

E - Enjoy Lasting Change

$597 Value

● Mindful Eating for Life: Keep the essence of mindfulness at the core of your eating habits. It's your key to lasting change.   

● Advanced HMR Techniques: Dive deeper into HMR, ensuring you have all the tools you need to maintain balance and well-being.

● Your Road Ahead: The end of the program is just the beginning of your new life. You're equipped, empowered, and unstoppable.  

What’s Included?

Embark on a journey that promises real, lasting change:

Self-Paced, Empowering Journey: Access a wealth of resources and connect with a community of like-minded individuals, all on the path to lasting change—at your own pace.
Ready to take the first step? Transform your cravings into insight, your fears into strengths. 
Exclusive Resources: Enjoy 24/7 access to a rich library of audios, videos, and detailed guides, empowering you to progress on your journey whenever it suits you.
Cultivate a profound sense of self-compassion that transcends your relationship with food.

Eat, Love, Heal

The BEFREE method isn’t just a program—it’s a revolution in how you connect with food and yourself. If you crave a relationship with food that’s filled with understanding, respect, and love, then this is your moment. Join us as we not only change our eating habits but also the way we experience life, love, and healing. Let’s dive deep into this journey together and uncover a new way of living that celebrates true freedom and inner peace.

Ready to embark on this life changing journey?

Here's exactly what you're getting...


Begin with Awareness
$997.00 Value


Embrace Your Emotions
$997.00 Value


Free Your Mind
$997.00 Value


Reclaim Your Power Over Cravings
$997.00 Value


Energize Your Transformation
$997.00 Value


Enjoy Lasting Change
$597.00 Value

Total Value $5,582.00 

Limited Time Only: $397.00

The Creator

Developed by Lenora Edwards, a renowned expert in emotional eating, disordered eating and self-empowerment. Lenora's expertise has empowered countless women to redefine their relationship with food and embrace their authentic selves.

The Q & A

Is this program suitable for anyone struggling with emotional eating?
Absolutely! It’s designed for any individual looking to overcome emotional eating and cultivate a healthy relationship with food.
How interactive is the course?
Highly! With weekly Zoom coaching calls and our private facebook page you will always be seen, heard, supported and celebrated!
What if I can't attend the live coaching calls? 
No worries, each session is recorded for you to access at your convenience.
What is the refund policy for 'Eat, Heal , Love'?
To ensure commitment and provide immediate access to valuable resources, we have a no refund policy for this transformative journey.

What Others Are Saying About
Eat, Love, Heal

Before Eat, Love, Heal, I was stuck in a cycle of emotional eating that seemed impossible to break. This course didn’t just teach me about food—it helped me understand myself on a deeper level. I’m finally at peace with my body and my choices. Thank you for this life-changing experience!

Emma L.

I’ve tried so many diets, but nothing stuck. This course was different. It’s not about dieting; it’s about understanding why I eat the way I do and learning to change that in a sustainable way. I’m healthier, happier, and more in control than ever before.

James R.

This course changed my life. I now have a healthy relationship with food, and it feels amazing to finally be free from emotional eating.

Michelle C.

Eat, Love, Heal is more than a course—it’s a journey of self-discovery. I’ve not only lost weight but also gained a sense of empowerment I didn’t know I had. If you’re ready to change your life, this is where you start.

AnDrea S. 

I was at my lowest, feeling completely defeated by my relationship with food. This course was like a lifeline. The compassion and wisdom in every module helped me heal parts of myself I didn’t even know were wounded. I’m finally free from the guilt and shame that used to control me.

Sophia H.

Eat, Love, Heal is a game-changer. The combination of HMR, NLP, and mindfulness practices taught me how to reprogram my thoughts and behaviors around food. The self-paced nature allowed me to go at my own speed, making the lessons truly stick. I feel like a new person, inside and out.

Michael K.

If you’re struggling with emotional eating, I can’t recommend this course enough. It gave me the tools to finally understand and change my eating habits for good. I now approach food with mindfulness and compassion rather than stress and guilt.

Alex D.

I used to eat my feelings, not knowing how to stop. This course didn’t just tell me what to do—it showed me how to heal from within. It’s been the most empowering experience of my life, and I’m so grateful I found it.


The Fit:

If you're ready to escape the cycle of emotional eating and dieting for good, and embrace a life filled with balance, health, and self-love, then 'Eat, Love, Heal' is the perfect fit for you. 

It’s time to transform your relationship with food and yourself, starting now!


570 - 437 - 0934


Although these services provide valuable benefit and assistance to one’s well-being, personal care and progress, they are not a substitute for psychological services, or medical treatment and care. Please consult with your therapist and/or physician before proceeding with these services. I support the coordination of services for a client that is under the supervision of a therapist and/or physician.

Copyright © LenoraEdwards. All Rights Reserved



By purchasing this program, you agree to the following terms stated herein.


Lenora Edwards and DTB Horizons (herein referred to as “DTB Horizons”) agree to provide the services of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] (herein referred to as “[SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk]”). Participants agree to abide by all policies and procedures as a condition of their participation in the [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk].


Participants acknowledge that neither Lenora Edwards, DTB Horizons, [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk], their affiliates, nor any of their respective third parties or licensors warrant that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor do they make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from this program as to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or content of any information or service provided through the program.

Participants understand that [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] does not offer any representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding your results of any kind. Participants agree that their results are dependent on various factors including, but not limited to, skill, knowledge, participation, dedication, and acumen to the content provided in the [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk].

Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued and transfers are not available.

Default Policy

The participant is responsible for full payment of the fees for the Program, regardless of whether the participant utilizes the Program. If a participant has requested an installment payment plan, they remain financially liable for the unpaid balance, as the program is non-refundable.

Participants agree not to disclose, reveal, or make use of any confidential information or any transactions, during discussions, from the forum, or otherwise.

Non-Disclosure of Materials

Material given to participants in the course of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] is proprietary, developed solely and specifically by DTB Horizons. Original materials provided to participants are for individual use only and a single-user license. The participant agrees that such proprietary material is solely for their own personal use. Any disclosure, reproduction, and sale by participants to a third party are strictly prohibited.

No Transfer of Intellectual Property

All intellectual property, including DTB Horizons' videos and/or program materials, shall remain solely and exclusively the property of DTB Horizons. No license to sell, reproduce, or distribute program materials is granted or implied. Participants agree not to infringe any intellectual property rights of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] or other involved participants.

Participant Responsibility

InHER Thoughts was developed for educational purposes. Participants accept and agree that they are fully responsible for their progress and results from the program. DTB Horizons makes no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing. Participants understand that because of the nature and extent of the program, results experienced may significantly vary.

Film/Recording Release

Participants hereby grant DTB Horizons and its assignees the rights in perpetuity to the participant's appearance in connection with promotional footage, written script, print images, and photography for the program. Participants authorize DTB Horizons to photograph, record, and release their appearance; to edit and include the appearance of others; and to use the appearance in any manner or media for publicity, advertising, and sales promotion.

Participants waive all rights and release DTB Horizons from any claims or proceedings for defamation, invasion of privacy, or any similar matter, relating to the use of the participant's appearance.


Contact Information

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Payment Information

Order Summary




By purchasing this program, you agree to the following terms stated herein.


Lenora Edwards and DTB Horizons (herein referred to as “DTB Horizons”) agree to provide the services of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] (herein referred to as “[SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk]”). Participants agree to abide by all policies and procedures as a condition of their participation in the [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk].


Participants acknowledge that neither Lenora Edwards, DTB Horizons, [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk], their affiliates, nor any of their respective third parties or licensors warrant that the services will be uninterrupted or error-free; nor do they make any warranty as to the results that may be obtained from this program as to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, reliability, completeness, or content of any information or service provided through the program.

Participants understand that [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] does not offer any representations, warranties, or guarantees, verbally or in writing, regarding your results of any kind. Participants agree that their results are dependent on various factors including, but not limited to, skill, knowledge, participation, dedication, and acumen to the content provided in the [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk].

Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued and transfers are not available.

Default Policy

The participant is responsible for full payment of the fees for the Program, regardless of whether the participant utilizes the Program. If a participant has requested an installment payment plan, they remain financially liable for the unpaid balance, as the program is non-refundable.

Participants agree not to disclose, reveal, or make use of any confidential information or any transactions, during discussions, from the forum, or otherwise.

Non-Disclosure of Materials

Material given to participants in the course of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] is proprietary, developed solely and specifically by DTB Horizons. Original materials provided to participants are for individual use only and a single-user license. The participant agrees that such proprietary material is solely for their own personal use. Any disclosure, reproduction, and sale by participants to a third party are strictly prohibited.

No Transfer of Intellectual Property

All intellectual property, including DTB Horizons' videos and/or program materials, shall remain solely and exclusively the property of DTB Horizons. No license to sell, reproduce, or distribute program materials is granted or implied. Participants agree not to infringe any intellectual property rights of [SHINE Your Light: Flipping the Script from Negative to Positive Self-Talk] or other involved participants.

Participant Responsibility

InHER Thoughts was developed for educational purposes. Participants accept and agree that they are fully responsible for their progress and results from the program. DTB Horizons makes no representations or guarantees verbally or in writing. Participants understand that because of the nature and extent of the program, results experienced may significantly vary.

Film/Recording Release

Participants hereby grant DTB Horizons and its assignees the rights in perpetuity to the participant's appearance in connection with promotional footage, written script, print images, and photography for the program. Participants authorize DTB Horizons to photograph, record, and release their appearance; to edit and include the appearance of others; and to use the appearance in any manner or media for publicity, advertising, and sales promotion.

Participants waive all rights and release DTB Horizons from any claims or proceedings for defamation, invasion of privacy, or any similar matter, relating to the use of the participant's appearance.


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Future Payments
